Abdur Rehman Palwa And His Journey

The journey of Abdur Rehman Palwa, a cyclist and a biker who visits different areas of Pakistan alone, with his wife, and now with his son too, on a bike.

“Palwa down the Road” is an account run by Abdur Rehman Palwa on Facebook, Instagram and he even has a Youtube channel, he is a cyclist and a biker from Pakistan. He travels to different parts of Pakistan on his bike. He used to travel solely on his cycle, he broke many records by traveling on his cycle for many hours, covering large distances in one go but now he also travels with his wife and now with his son too on a bike. He has been sharing his ideas and experiences in the form of pictures and videos that inspire other people and couples to travel and explore the hidden gems of our country. Recently he shared some pictures with his wife and a year old son with whom he traveled across Balochistan and Punjab.

The journey of Abdur Rehman Palwa

Now when we scroll down to the very start of his account, we can see the first picture of September 2017 where he started his journey when he bought his new cycle, contacted the Guinness World Record, and started his journey to break the world record and travel around Pakistan, on his cycle in 120 days.

The journey of Abdur Rehman Palwa

He started his journey from Gilgit, Baltistan, traveled to Passu, Hingol, and reached all the way to Sindh. He broke the record of an Indian cyclist who traveled 15,200 km and he himself traveled 19,500 km.

He used to get extremely grand and warm welcomes where ever he went during his journey. Even different magazines, newspapers, and news channels featured him and his journey all this time.

The journey of Abdur Rehman Palwa

In one of his posts on 23rd September 2018, he mentioned, “Hello guys, I just saw a post in which it was claimed to break a national record to cycle more distance in one month which is 3000kms. Now I have come to know that the claim was made by mistake. During my attempt on a national tour, I did 4000+ in a month once and 3000+ four times, second most important thing is that my distance was covered by adopting different routes every day. Just correction of facts I am posting my stats:

April 2018, 3654 km

March 2018, 3762 km

Feb 2018, 3762 km

Jan 2018, 3410 km

Dec 2017, 3145 km”

The journey of Abdur Rehman Palwa

After almost a whole year on November 23rd, 2018, he bought his own bike, got married, and started traveling with his wife on the bike. Started their journey from Punjab and Reached Quetta, and then Sindh.

The journey of Abdur Rehman Palwa

Coming to the present, now he has been traveling for the last three months, first solely and then with his wife and son, who is now a year old.

The journey of Abdur Rehman Palwa

Abdur Rehman Palwa, recently shared the travel journey of his 1-year-old son, Abdur Rafay Palwa, sharing pictures from the whole year of him in different areas of the country. Abdur Rehman proudly tells that his son is just 1 year old and has already been to every province of the country and he hopes that his son will visit all those places at a very small age that he himself visited really late.

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