COVID-19 vs The China-US Economic War

Although the world is dealing with the currently on-going pandemic, however, the question of where and who leaked it, still remains a mystery.

Every country is going through a global pandemic, and is facing the worst of the times. Many countries, who had a lesser population, were able to fight off the virus. However, countries with greater population are still in the dilemma of how to fight the virus basically. The havoc all around the world, originated from China, although people don’t really believe it was China behind the outbreak. Few argue, that is was the US who started this outbreak from China, as to blame the country for a global outbreak. And few still believe it was China only, who spread this virus.

It seems like the world has been affected due to the economic war between the two countries. China and the United States can fight a conventional war, but not only would they cost much but also would result in loss of lives. It could also have been a reason for the Third World War. The blame would have been on any one of the two countries. At the moment, the world is facing a backlash, economically and socially. The world has been a victim of the economic war, going on between China and the US. And for now, economically, all the countries are facing a epitome of backlash. And this has ruined many different economies.

It is much possible, this is the first strike of either the US or China, in an economical war. And there might be many more strikes in the coming future. China and the US, both have been competitive to have a monopoly. The monopoly that the US has, might be taken by China, or not. But nothing can be really said at the moment. We just hope, either country doesn’t ruin the world to have themselves at the top.

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