If Only Such Encounter Took Place in Pakistan

Those 4 men who raped and set ablaze a Dr in India and set her on fire, have been killed by the Police in encounter. But they were already in police arrest ...

Around five days ago, a women left her, and was going to look in to an appointment. Unluckily, she had a flat tire, which was part of the plan. The rapists had planned this all. The lady called her sister and told her the situation. Meanwhile, a truck comes to her aid. The truck driver and his friends, kidnap the girl and rape her individually. When still not satisfied and for some unknown reason, they set her on fire. The body was recovered the other day all burned.

India was demanding justice. With every other day, the rape cases are growing in India. With Indian Police actually working their heads off, caught four people involved in the incident. 4 men had planned this through and they agreed to their sin. However, yesterday night, according to the news, those 4 men were killed in an encounter after they tried escaping the police custody. “In the morning, at around 6-6:30, our persons have come to reconstruct the scene of crime and the accused have tried to snatch their weapons, and there was a cross-fire. In this, all the four accused have died. Two policemen have been injured,” Reddy said.


The family, however, has been really happy about it. Although, the police is telling it to be an encounter, but the series of incident tell another story. In case they did run, why weren’t they handcuffed or roped? Or was the police incapable of stopping them in the beginning without firing?

However, it doesn’t actually matter. Because the rapists were killed at the end of the day. And we would love to see such encounters in Pakistan, because the increasing rape incidents need to come to a halt.

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