Is Remote Working the New Norm Post Pandemic?

Employers and employees have explored the previously dreaded realm of remote working due to the pandemic and have shown increased work satisfaction.

Remote working policy has been adopted by many leading firms across the globe. Google also announced a while back it will be implementing remote working policy and allow employees to work from home, regardless of their location. The pandemic has given many employers the chance to explore this option to the fullest. However, it’s still not common in Pakistan yet as the roles and responsibilities for a few positions require the employee to be on location.

But if a company like Google can adapt to this change, then why can’t we? Employers and employees, both need to mold themselves according to the situations, especially if they have no control over it. We often don’t have control over certain situations that change, such as the pandemic. I mean, who would have thought that in the 21st century, a virus out there can kill humans and cause chaos on a global level.

Being stuck amidst a pandemic has given me the opportunity to explore remote working. I have now started to strongly believe in ‘Location is Irrelevant‘. It was a slogan for a campaign called ‘Work from Anywhere’ by OwlLabs, which was launched in 2019. The campaign focused on the idea that you don’t need to be in a certain location to fulfill your work responsibilities.

In my opinion, remote working should be the ‘new normal’ considering the fact that the aftereffects of the virus will prevail. It can surge again if no guidelines to curb it are followed afterward. WHO has mentioned that coronavirus may never go away, hence, we need to be vigilant and alert.

Why Is Remote Working Great?

Remote working has more pros than cons, especially for employers. Employers don’t have to pay a huge amount for rent, electricity and all other bills associated with a location. Employees can waste less time talking to each other as they do in an office and focus more on the daily tasks, which is a plus point from the employer’s perspective. And also, there will be a lower risk of getting infected with coronavirus as everyone will practice social distancing and stay home.

Remote working can also allow employers to hire people with relevant expertise regardless of where they live. So, if you live in Indonesia and your employer is in America, then your chances of getting hired are still equally high as any candidate living in America. This broadens the choices for both employers and employees in terms of who they want to hire and where they want to work, respectively.

As a matter of fact, Google has announced that it will be hiring employees who can work remotely so your chances of working for Google have increased ever since the pandemic. A report by Gartner showed that many employers are thinking of switching to this policy because of the increased work satisfaction and productivity amongst employees. According to the report, 74% of employers revealed that they will move at least 5% of their previously on-site workforce to permanently remote positions post-pandemic.

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