Israel, Palestine and The Muslim Countries

The world is going insane after the Israeli attacks on Palestine, and people living in Muslim countries are expecting their countries to engage in war against Israel. Is this the solution to Israeli atrocities?

The Israel – Palestine issue started back in 1948 after UNGA Resolution 181 stated that Jews should get a piece of land in Jerusalem. This wasn’t accepted by the Arabs in Jerusalem and war broke out in Palestine between the two. UN tried to intervene in between but was of no use. Israel became a separate nation in the nation, on 14th May 1948. Since then, the two countries, Palestine & Israel are at war. Nevertheless, the war is one-sided, as Palestine never got the chance to grow militarily, which has been resulting in innumerable deaths in Palestine.


Israelis have tried their way into Palestine quite a few times, but recently things got out of hand. Israeli forces entered Masjid Al-Aqsa, a place that is not only of importance to Palestinians but also to Muslims all around the globe. This oppression led Hamas from Gaza, alongside Lebanon, to attack Israel. In exchange, Israel not only killed Hamas’s leader but also executed several innocent kids and elderly living in the Gaza neighborhood. As per reports, 212 people have been killed in Gaza, mostly children, whereas more than 1200 people have been wounded in Palestine. Nevertheless, the Palestinians and the Gazans aren’t giving up. They have taken the responsibility of Masjid Al-Aqsa on themselves. 

Pakistan’s Role:

However, other Muslim countries are also of the fact that their leaders should act upon Israel. How? That people are unaware of. But their emotional bias tells them to help the Palestinians in any way possible. If we talk about Pakistan, people are ready to serve their lives in Palestine. Moreover, they are forcing their leaders and army to do so too. However, in my opinion, this is something out of question. How can a country, that has its own crisis, go and fight against Israel when we, ourselves, are dealing with not only India but the Taliban from Afghanistan and TTP as well?

Rationally, we don’t have an army big enough to go fight against Israel as well as look after our own country. On the other hand, we will be fighting against the US indirectly, as we all know Israel is like the US’s own child only. Do we want that? I don’t think so, considering the burden of loans we are trapped under at the moment. On the other hand, Pakistan has no ties with Israel. We don’t deal with them financially or militarily. Hence, we can’t sanction them in any way possible.

All in all, Pakistan, for now, can only raise its voice and stand in solidarity with Palestine & Gaza.

Turkey’s Role:

We have recently seen a video of Tayyip Erdogan circulating around on the internet. For one, it is an old video and not on recent issues. Secondly, a country that is importing defense equipment from Israel only, how can it stand against the country? Turkey cannot attack Israel as they have already been fighting a war against Kurds in Syria lately. The maximum they can do is sanction Israel and cut all the economical ties with the country. But it hasn’t happened up till now, which indicated that Turkey isn’t ready to do so.

UAE’s Role:

UAE plays a vital role in the Palestinian genocide. Abu Dhabi has recently inaugurated the Israeli Embassy in their country. On the other hand, Dubai has been promoting Israeli Tourism all around Dubai. Saudia Arabia also has bilateral relations, as they import/export goods from & to Israel, respectively. As for now, UAE can, similarly to Turkey, end its economical relation with Israel. This would be a big blow to Israel, as Saudi Arabia has an important location economically, all around the world.

Israel Embassy

Other Countries:

If all the Muslim countries unite under one roof to ban Israel economically, it would be enough of a blow to hold them back from attacking Masjid Al-Aqsa, Palestine, and Israel. Lebanon, Iran, Hamas are already trying their level best to fight off Israel militarily.

The United Nations haven’t taken any action against Israel lately, which they should, in order to make things straight in the region. Palestinians have the right to live and they deserve a peaceful life too. The kids who were killed in Israeli attacks had dreams yet to be fulfilled. The parents are in despair, and the family members are in hope for their relatives to survive.


As for now, the cease-fire has been called between Israel & Gaza, but for how long? And does this make Palestine any safer than before? Will the UN take action against Israel? These questions are still left unanswered, and most probably time will let us know.

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