Mark Wiens blogged the first installment of his food journey in Lahore and it’s GLORIOUS

American traveler and food enthusiast, Mark Weins recently traveled to Pakistan for a 16 days long trip to discover all the edible treasures our country has in store. He even wrote a travel guide about the kind of people, places and of course MOUTHWATERING food Pakistan has to offer.

He just released episode 1 of his Pakistan based series in which he travels throughout Lahore, trying out some of the most popular food streets of the city.  Needless to say, he fell in love with the tangy, spicy one of a kind desi food…DUH

So much so, that his current cover photo on Twitter is of desi food.

As with every foreign visitor, people instantly grew to adore how Mark represented Pakistan to the international communities and Twitter was flooded with appreciation for his work.

People further wanted to see him try out their own city’s food and feature it on his blog, kiunke hamari loyalty and patriotism knows no bounds after all.

Mark also took a stand against the false perception of hostility and danger that international media has created of Pakistan and stated on his blog that throughout the trip, he met some of the most hospitable people and saw the most spectacular scenery, all the while eating incredibly delicious food.

During his trip, he also explored Gujranwala, Islamabad, Mardan, Hunza Valley, Khundjerab Pass, and Karachi. Talk about being truly extensive. We can’t wait for the episodes covering these cities!

To watch the full episode, click the link below (be warned, it’s a 35 mins long food trip that will leave you CRAVING some desi goodness)

To read this blog, click the link below