US President Biden Lifts Muslim Ban on 1st Day

The newly elected US President, Joe Biden, has moved into the White House and began his work. As promised, the first order was to lift the Muslim ban.

Welcome the new President of the United States of America, Joe Biden! In his first order, after taking the oath of his office on Wednesday, Joe Biden removed the ban on several Muslim and African countries, as promised. Such bans were put in place by his predecessor Donald Trump.

Biden returned to the White House late on Wednesday afternoon from the swearing-in ceremony, laying a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier in Arlington and watching a parade. Almost immediately he began signing the orders that sweep aside Trump’s pandemic damage and reverse his environmental agenda and anti-immigration policies by lifting the Muslim ban. He also took steps to boost the American economy and promote ethnic and religious diversity across the nation.

In one single afternoon, Joe Biden managed to sign 17 executive orders, memorandums and proclamations from the Oval Office, including orders to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and end the Muslim ban. In a tweet from the official Twitter account for the US president, Biden simply said: “We’re back in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Moreover, along with the end of the Muslim ban, Biden’s representative for fighting the pandemic, Jeff Zients, said the US would also rejoin the World Health Organisation, reversing Donald Trump’s decision. He added that top US expert Anthony Fauci would lead a delegation to the WHO executive board meeting on Thursday. They further went on to assess that trying to reconcile the damage Trump has made is going to be a long and tough job. “We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it, would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy, and this effort very nearly succeeded. But while democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated,” said Gorman while referring to the Jan 6 mob attack on the US capitol.

Moreover, President, Joe Biden claimed, “We must end this uncivil war that pitches red versus blue, rural versus urban, conservative versus liberal,” said President Biden while referring to the Jan 6 mob attack on the very building, the Capitol, where he took the oath of his office; in his attempts to increase inclusivity within the USA, Biden has lifted the Muslim ban. He further addressed the global pandemic and took a moment of silence for all the damage it has caused. “A once-in-a-century virus that silently stalks the country. It’s taken as many lives in one year as America lost in all of World War II. Millions of jobs have been lost, hundreds of thousands of businesses closed,” he said.

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