Production 021 by the Power Couple

Owned by Aamir and Muneera Lakhani, Production 021 is an Event Management Company which has been managing various events for long.

With numerous clients, local or international, Productions 021 can manage all. From car launches to managing Hum Awards, the potential Husband-Wife duo is as amazing as their work. Looking over the whole organization, Aamir and Muneera Lakhani put in their endless efforts, along with their crew, to make any event as amazing as it can be. Luckily, we got a chance to interview them.


Questions Answers





Q. How did you guys develop your interest in the field of event management? What was the thought process behind Production 021?

Ans. We wanted to do something out of the box and after working in the industry we realized that there was a dire need for a team that would take full responsibility of backstage and that’s how the idea came about. Need along with the scarcity of resources got us to where we are making us the pioneers of backstage management in Pakistan.

Q. How do you guys manage your work life and your personal life considering that you have kids?

Ans. As a team, we divide our work and prioritize. While Aamir manages work in the first half of the day I tend to complete my responsibilities as a mother at home and join in during the second half making things manageable and organized. There is a constant check and balance working this way.

Q. Are you currently working on any projects that you’d like to tell us more about? 

Ans. We, at present are working to initiate a project which will hopefully be a game-changer in the market.

Q. Which project had the most impact on you and gave you a steep learning curve in your career?

Ans. So we would consider this question as two in one.

 The most impactful project for us was our career’s biggest production for a live televised event that we did for our client Daraz called – it was the world’s biggest sale called 11.11.

The event that gave us a steep learning curve in our career was the 1st Hum Showcase that we designed and executed as a complete event.

Production 021

Q. Have you achieved your goal in life or do you still have a long way to go?

Ans. Being pioneers in backstage management and expanding our services to event architecture and production Design Company, all in all, it has been a tremendous ten-year journey for us, but we still consider ourselves to look ahead and keep striving for more opportunities and work in better directions.


Q. What is the one thing that you love about your career the most?

Ans. To keep up with continuous innovation of technology and design in the field of event around the world, we keep trying to evolve which gives us room for creativity and the team enjoys working and originating. The variety of this is what excites us.     

Production 021

Q. Any other career that you had thought about as a second option?

Ans. Aamir and I both are fashion graduates and we have done relevant work within the industry. However, I feel that no other career option would suit us other than event management.


Q. Any advice for your readers who would like to join this field?

Ans. The field is vast, but what is noticeable is that new-comers jump into this bandwagon to make an easy buck; it’s not at all that simple. A completion so any event takes a lot of commitment and hard work. It is a drive of passion on a bumpy road; rather not take it as a backup plan or an alternate career.


Rapid Fire




  • * M = Muneera               * A = Aamir 


What’s your favorite thing in your closet right now?

M: My Nightsuits!

A: My new shopping


What’s your favorite movie ever?

M: Home Alone 



What is your biggest pet peeve?

M: Body odor 

A: Fake people 


If you could be any flavor of ice cream what ice cream flavor would you be and why?

M: Vanilla – ‘cause that’s my favorite flavor too

A: Cookie Dough, that’s my Daughter’s favorite


Are you a morning or a night person?

M: I’m for sure a night person 

A: Morning to Night – from my kids’ school drop to a late-night event setup, some days are just crazy :S


What store do you shop at the most?

M: HnM

A: Uniqlo


If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

M: Aamir and my phone

A: My Phone and a lot of desserts


What is the thing you’re most afraid of?

M: Turbulence

A: Nothing


Where would you go if you were invisible?

M: President House 

A: You really don’t wanna know … 


How do you define happiness?

M: My Family

A: Family Time 


Interviewed by Areeba Mukhtiar

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