The Spy by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho brings to life one of history’s most enigmatic women: Mata Hari. The first chapter recounts her execution, where she is shot to death by a firing squad, as she blows them a kiss seductively.

While I knew nothing about Mata Hari (sorry) before reading The Spy, I found her name and cover of the book intriguing. I found it in a bookstore at Köln airport as I was browsing through to fill two hours of

Paulo Coelho brings to life one of history’s most enigmatic women: Mata Hari. The first chapter recounts
her execution, where she is shot to death by a firing squad, as she blows them a kiss seductively.

Mata Hari was born into privilege, until her father lost it all when she was only 13. She was unwillingly pulled into a broken home and poverty. She’s then raped by her school’s headmaster. To escape this torture, she responds to an ad for marriage, and finds herself wedded shortly. Things take a turn for worse as she realizes her mistake in marrying an abusive and infidel man. She’s in a faraway land
(Indonesia) and trapped. It’s only when one of her husband’s fellow officer’s wives shoots herself in the head that Mata Hari decides to change her fate. She travels back to Europe, becomes an exotic dancer, who also sleeps with men for money and favors. Her journey from penniless to prosperous is rather short, and even shorter is her route to facing a firing squad during World War 1.

The story starts on a high note. But more than once, despite being absolutely clueless about her life, I found it skipping details and depth. Matters of importance, like her children and early days in Paris, barely got a mention. It felt like an abridged version of a rich novel, and I would have preferred lengthy
over loosely connected.

Despite the flaws and Coelho’s insistence on romanticizing Mata Hari’s struggles with metaphors, there
is a story that reaches out and stays with you. Of men in power and women with ambitions. I am glad I
read it.

Rating: 3.5/5

Reviewed by Shaheen Rajan

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