When Are Economic Crisis to End?
A delegation from Pakistan visited Washington to talk over the economic conditions of Pakistan and here are few of the facts that came up during the meeting.
Since gaining independence, Pakistan has been crisis in terms of economy. Tending to get back to the curve straight, the government officials did their best at times to get out of crisis. In Ayub’s era, things were a bit better, but later on got worsened by time. Under Imran Khan’s government, the debts are being paid off, and the economy is getting better by time. Although, the people had to face quite a hardship during this one year tenure, but seems to be worth it at the end. For now, the debt for Pakistan is 22 trillion, which increases by 64,474 Rs EVERY SECOND. Yes, you read that correctly.
Pakistan sent a delegation to Washington in the WB-IMF annual meeting to talk on crisis. Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh led the delegation. During the meeting, IMF held the progress of Pakistan Economy in high regards. While on an economic tour already, the delegation also met the President of Asian Development Bank (ADB). He too, appreciated the efforts made by Pakistan to curb the crisis, where as Dr Abdul Hafeez told the President how important a financial partner ADB was. Sheikh also had a rather friendly meeting with the Finance Ministers of SAARC.
The rules set by Imran Khan, where on one hand brought hardship on people, on the other hand was beneficial for the country on whole too. Pakistan is involved in much loan which needs to be paid off ASAP. A country with big ventures can exceed much further than neighbor countries. Once this country is corruption free, it can do wonders. All we need is a faithful, loyal leader to the country, which we seem to have now. Lets hope Pakistan gets out of crisis, sooner than expected.