WHO Warns About Lifting COVID-19 Restrictions

The WHO chief has warned everyone about the deadly resurgence is the restrictions are lifted too early and it could possibly be dangerous.

The WHO chief has warned regarding a deadly resurgence if restrictions are lifted. The total number of deaths all over the globe have hit a 100,000 milestone. There are many countries fighting coronavirus at the moment and if they lifted the restrictions which require you to stay at home and transitioned to a normal life, then it could lead to the spreading of the virus.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the WHO, said in a virtual conference:

“I know that some countries are already planning the transition out of stay-at-home restrictions. WHO wants to see restrictions lifted as much as anyone. At the same time, lifting restrictions too quickly could lead to a deadly resurgence. The way down can be as dangerous as the way up if not managed properly.”

WHO suggested lifting the restrictions slowly so that the virus can be curbed. Globally, there are 1.6 million cases of coronavirus. Coronavirus spread easily because there was a lack of restriction in many countries. These restrictions may be eased slowly in many countries such as Spain and Italy, who have allowed non-essential workers to return to work from Monday. Spain has recorded the lowest number of deaths recently, which allowed them to take this decision.

Situation in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the current number of reported cases is 4,788 with 762 recoveries and 71 deaths. Punjab has the highest number of cases recorded at 2,336 followed by Sindh, which has 1,214 cases at the moment.


Prime Minister Imran Khan tells all the front liners and health care workers to brace themselves. The worst is yet to come.

Imran Khan said after visiting Hayatabad Medical Complex on Friday.

“I highly appreciate the efforts of doctors and paramedics as a frontline force in the war against the infectious corona disease and assure that the government will provide adequate safety gadgets to them on a priority basis,”

The Prime Minister was on a daylong visit in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa where he wanted to witness and oversee the arrangements made to tackle coronavirus. He appreciated the work done by the healthcare workers during these tough times and warned that the curve is likely to go up. The increase in cases is foreseen and health professionals need to be ready for the impact.

He also vowed:

“The entire government machinery as well as the nation stand with the medical community and would provide them all kinds of support,”

As a matter of fact, we all need to realize our responsibility and follow the guidelines provided to us by the WHO and government. Going against them would not only harm us but also others around us.

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