3rd Teachers Roadmap Conference 2020

Parho Sabaq and Teach have joined hands to make this 3rd Teachers Roadmap Conference happen. But what is it about?

Education is the base to success and development of any country. If people are not educated, they might not grow in to someone productive. Be it for themselves or the country. As Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.” And education is so important that United Nations has listed it in their Sustainable Development Goals. SGD 4 out of 8 SDGs stands for quality education. And good education requires good Teachers.

3rd Teachers Roadmap Conference, which is taking place under the supervision of Parho Sabaq and Teach, is one the same goal. The conference sheds light on SDG 4. This conference will also be looking forward on improving educational institutions. The speakers in this conference will also look for solutions to cope up with 2030 SDG 4 targets.

The conference will be held at Arts Council, Karachi on 8th February 2020. The timings for the conference are from 9 AM – 5 PM. Well, it is the usual office hour, so shouldn’t be an issue for those interested.


More interesting is the lineup in the event. There are several speakers and presenters in the 3rd Teachers Roadmap Conference. Mr. Mir Murtaza Ali Bhugio and Ms. Huma Jabeen will be the masters of the ceremony. Moreover, Ms. Muniza Naushen will be the Guest of Honor for the evening.

And guess what? For an individual, the event will cost no more than 2000 Rupees, each. So, the event is pocket friendly, for sure.


Such events should keep on taking place, especially in an under-developed third world country like Pakistan. Here, more than anything, education is really necessary. Not only for an individual’s growth, but also for the growth of this motherland, Pakistan.

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