5 Recipes You Can Try in Ramadan with Young’s Food

Try delicious dishes with Young's Food recipes this Ramadan.

One of the most diverse brands I know of that caters to both sweet and savory tastes is Young’s Food. Their brand has been making strides in the food processing industry since 1988, and have many products that can be used to make delicious dishes. Here are 6 recipes that I think you should try in Ramadan using Young’s Food products.

Young’s Food Recipe: Capsicum Chicken Patties

Capsicum Chicken Patties will attract both kids and adults. Simple yet savory and scrumptious, this Young’s Food recipe will surely be a hit in Ramadan.

Young’s Food Recipe: Mayo Green Dahi Baray

What’s Ramadan without Dahi Baray? Young’s Food makes this classic iftaar dish delicious with their products, and is something to definitely try out.

Young’s Food: Mayo Chana Salad

I have tried many chana chaats during ramadan, but not many chana salad. With Young’s Mayonnaise, this healthy alternative will surely blow your mind.

Young’s Food Recipe: Mayo Potato Croquettes

This Ramadan, let’s try potato croquettes with Young’s Food. After all, everything tastes better with their Mayonnaise and Mayochup.

Young’s Food: Chocolate Mousse

Young’s Food not only gives us savory solutions but also sweet solutions for our iftaar dilemmas. Not only is it delicious but also very easy to make. Young’s Chocolate mousse will cool down the summer heat and make it delicious too.

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