An Art Exhibition at Koel Gallery – ‘Where the Indus Flows’

An art exhibition organised by the faculty of CEAD for the art lovers, worth checking out!

Art is a very vast subject to talk about. How does one describe it you may ask? Art can be found in every human activity, I believe we all have the tendency to carry some creative element within ourselves. Art is a diverse range of human activities that occur in our surroundings on a daily basis, the human mind itself is a complex creation and the ideas that stem out of it can be described as a true form of brilliance.

‘Where the Indus Flow’ is a collective creation of such talented and imaginative minds that came together in order to produce an art show that is worthy of appraisals. It was put together by the faculty members of ‘Center of Excellence in Art and Design’ (CEAD), Jamshoro, Sindh.

The exhibition took place on the 21st of May at Koel Gallery. It showcased many paintings and sketches done by the faculty and the collection of paintings itself were very diverse. From oil paintings to acrylics to wooden sculptures, everything was orchestrated in a very striking manner. Each and every artwork had a story to tell to the viewers.

Here are a few art pieces which were displayed at the exhibition:

Art Lovers 3
By Abdul Malik Channa
One Million Dollar
By Nizam Dahiri
By Jam Deepar
By Saba Qayyum Leghari

The exhibition dates are from 21st – 31st of May, 2019. A heaven for art lovers, one should definitely not miss the chance to visit and appreciate the exceptional artistry portrayed by all the artists.