An Unprecedented Ramadan Awaits

This year, Ramadan will be like never before. Empty malls, streets and restaurants may haunt us but we need to revive the true essence of this month.

There were many situations that the pandemic exposed to us. Situations that we had never even imagined would take place are happening in front of our eyes. People are dying from coronavirus, a pandemic just like that one that emerged a century ago. However, even after urging people to take precautionary measures, they choose to not abide by the rules and roam free. Thus, putting others in danger along with themselves. Amidst this turmoil, Muslims are approaching Ramadan, which is considered as the month of asking for forgiveness.

This Ramadan won’t be the same as others. The fear of public gathering has made the government ban it, which is a wise decision taken at the right time. However, the public still hasn’t fully digested the rules of the nationwide lockdown in Pakistan as many still roam free in groups. This Ramadan would be different because everyone will be forced to stay at home during Sehr and Iftaar as all restaurants have been shut down for the time being.

In Ramadan, many would go out for Iftaar and then stay out till late. Shopping late at night was the trend as Ramadan ends with Eid. However, in this situation, there would hardly be any shopping as malls and stores are closed. Only stores carrying groceries and other essential items are open.

One more thing that we won’t be seeing this year will be late-night cricket sessions. Many guys used to gather at night and play cricket till Sehr as it was a great time for bonding with one another and also passing time. But due to social distancing, everyone has to avoid contact and maintain a distance of six feet in public.

A month that made us all so lively and considerate now seems like a gloomy one. The underprivileged ones will be on the lookout for charity and donations as many of them have been affected due to the lockdown. They’re not able to earn and provide for their children. Whereas the privileged don’t know which NGOs to trust as some of them are scams and ruining the reputation of others.

If we look at the brighter side, we’re all in a situation that has brought us closer to our families. Staying home has allowed us to bond with our loved ones. Hence, maybe we should focus on the true essence of Ramadan instead of thinking about the other benefits and lifestyle changes that it brought. Also, donating as much as we can would be the only way a lot of needy people can survive the coming month.

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