Anti-Polio Drive Starts Today Throughout Pakistan

Pakistan is of the two countries where a disease like polio still prevails. The Anti-polio drive focuses on vaccinating children nationwide.

Anti-polio drive throughout Pakistan will commence from today. More than 260,000 polio workers will do door to door to ensure that every child till the age of five has been vaccinated. It’s crucial as polio usually hits in the early stages of life and may leave a person paralyzed or even cause death in some cases. It’s an infectious disease that can spread through a poliovirus.

The government aims to vaccinate over 39.5 million children hoping to eradicate polio. Pakistan is one of the only two countries where this infection still exists. There is no cure for it, but vaccinations can help prevent it. Polio is not present in other countries that are developed but we’re still fighting to eliminate it from our country.

Dr. Rana Muhammad Safdar said:

“Repeated vaccination has protected millions of children from polio, allowing almost all countries in the world to become polio-free.”

Special Assistant to the PM on National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination Dr. Zafar Mirza assured parents that this vaccination is totally safe and will be beneficial. Vaccination is a step that will help in the prevention of polio by making the immune system stronger. He also said that it’s a national responsibility.

There is a strong national and international commitment to eradicate polio and it is a collective responsibility to ensure that all children are vaccinated.

It should also be noted that if any child does not receive polio vaccination, then their parents can request for it. Pakistan Polio Eradication Initiative had started a helpline by the name of Sehat Tahhafuz. Its main purpose is to help target children that had been left out during the campaign period. Helpline will be an easier way of reporting.

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