British Airways To Return To Pakistan After A Decade

Karachi Pakistan: After a decade-long time period, British Airways has reverted its decision taken in 2008 to halt all operations within the country, seeing the increasing security concerns. The decision was implemented on September 22, 2008, after the suicide attack on Islamabad’s Marriott hotel. In this attack over 250 were injured and 53 lost their lives. This included 6 British nationals.

“We will not compromise on the safety of our customers, staff or planes,” said the spokesperson.

However after 10 long years,the decision has been reverted and flights are to commence in the nation again from the month of June in 2019.

According to the diplomat, The decision was carried out due to the improvements being seen in the security situation in Pakistan.

“British Airways returns to Pakistan. Direct flights from London Heathrow to Islamabad’s new airport start in June,” tweeted Thomas Drew the British HC in Pakistan. “A further boost to links between the UK and Pakistan — especially on trade and investment.”


Previously, British Airways had regular flights in Pakistan, it would operate six flights per week from London through Islamabad.

Pakistan Army spokesperson Major General Asif Ghafoor thanked the British Airways for reviving its flight operations in the country and went on to say,

“The dividends of decades-long struggle of Pakistani nation and its security forces for the restoration of peace and stability in the country are on the way.”