Chinese Companies Will Be Shifting to Pakistan

Pak-China friendship extends in the form of investments and benefits Pakistani people.

Investors from various Chinese companies will be investing in Pakistan. The Chinese delegation, consisting of 55 heads, expressed their interest of investing in Pakistan in a meeting with Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad on Friday. The meeting was attended by many people including Advisor on Finance Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Advisor on Commerce Abdul Razaq Dawood, Minister for Planning and Development Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiar, Chairman Board of Investment Zubair Gilani and Chairman FBR Shabbar Zaidi.

The investment that will be done by the Chinese investors will be of $5 billion over the time period of three to five years. It will create generate over 50,000 jobs in Pakistan and eventually benefit the Pakistani market.

PM Imran Khan said kind words about the Chinese government and their strategies which help people from other countries to get out of poverty. He also said that Chinese have always appreciated Pakistan and supported the Pakistani people in their difficult times. He said that Pakistan wants to benefit from Chinese experiences.