Chloroquine is Trending on Twitter, Cure for Covid-19?

Trump claimed that chloroquine is showing positive results in coronavirus patients. However, it hasn't been approved by the FDA for the treatment of covid-19.

Chloroquine is a drug known to mankind for quite some years now. It’s used to treat malaria,lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and has been approved by the FDA. There have been some signs of improvement in coronavirus patients after the usage of this drug. However, it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to be used for covid-19.

chloroquine covid-19

President Trump has also addressed the public over this matter and said:

“It’s shown very encouraging — very, very encouraging early results. And we’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately. And that’s where the FDA has been so great. They — they’ve gone through the approval process; it’s been approved. And they did it — they took it down from many, many months to immediate. So we’re going to be able to make that drug available by prescription or states,”

As we’ve mentioned above, the FDA has not approved this drug to specifically treat corona. Since we’re already using this drug to treat other illnesses hence, doctors can prescribe this for coronavirus treatment. Trump has also asked the FDA to research more about this drug specifically to treat coronavirus.

The FDA said in a statement about chloroquine:

“to treat patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 to potentially reduce the duration of symptoms, as well as viral shedding, which can help prevent the spread of disease.”

The global pandemic has taken thousands of lives and doctors are trying to find the cure. Amidst all the chaos, this little information sparked hope amongst people. Vaccine trials have been carried out in many countries including China to treat coronavirus.

Here are some tweets with #Chloroquine as it has been trending on Twitter:

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