Climate Change & Global Warming

The climate is changing gradually and people are worried about it, especially the younger generation and they have stood up to work against the change.

Climate change has been the issue of the month for now. From protests on roads to meetings in governmental offices, everyone is concerned about climate change. Mother Earth is getting weaker day by day and no one was much concerned few days ago. In Austria, scientists are going crazy over the fact that the Alpine glaciers are melting more speedily than expected. Scientists have lost much data due to Climate change and fast melting glaciers and fear to lose more if they continue to melt at the same speed.


This month, students from all over the world from 20th Sept – 27th Sept, gathered just before UN Youth Summit to record their protest against the prevailing climate changes. With banners in hand, according to reports 4 million people were there to raise voice against Climate Change all around the globe.

On the other hand, China also has plans to invest in controlling global warming. Being the biggest greenhouse gas emitters, China has responsibility of its own. However, Li Shuo, who is the current environmental adviser with Greenpeace, says “In the light of tough economics and geo-political prospects, China is weighing its options on climate change”. Well, doesn’t seem like China is much considerate. Though, promising its full co operation, China will be initiating a program. A ‘green’ Belt and Road, to make this world a greener place to live in than before.

But only one country can never bring change. All countries have to unite over fighting global warming or the upcoming generations will have to face the worst of the worst. Sadly, things won;t be under control by then. We hope that the countries and the governments take Climate Change as serious as any other issue, because at the end, they both are going to kill you, for sure.

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