COVID-19 is Spreading in Karachi Central Jail

Where people are deliberately staying indoors during lockdown, those in lockups are getting infected with COVID-19.

The most vulnerable area is the central jail, where people can get infected with the virus. There are hundreds of people living under the same roof, with almost no precautions. However, not much attention was given to the jails initially., which was a bad decision. Now, Karachi Central Jail has around 250 cases of COVID-19, out of 370 tested. The number might seem low, but if seen in regards to all the inmates that live together, things might go bad in Central Jail. Out of all the inmates that have been infected with the virus, one has passed away, according to Justice Project Pakistan (JPP).

And obviously, it is not the prisoners only who are prone to the virus. Policemen are humans too and they have an equal amount of interaction with the inmates. According to the Jail authorities, eight Police Officers in the Jail have been tested positive for the virus.

It is highly recommended for the Karachi Central Jail to take precautionary measures before it is too late for them. One death can lead to many more and can spread into the entire staff at Central Jail. To help the inmates and the Police Officers, SOPs must not only be introduced but also be implemented strictly in the Jail. Moreover, the less people come to meet during the lockdown, the better it is for all the people there. One has to understand what consequences it might, regardless, if no action is taken.

Rest we can pray and hope everyone remains safe, and those infected many get better soon. Amen.

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