Current Foreign Affair Situation In Pakistan

Recent updates on foreign affairs

Pakistan’s diplomatic and consular relations along with its foreign policy is managed by the ministry of foreign affairs and the management of these missions comes under the minister of foreign affairs. The current minister is Shah Mehmood Qureshi from PTI (Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf) from 20th august 2018 – present. 

A summary of the main current foreign affairs and agenda is as follows : 


President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani visits Pakistan :

The president of Afghanistan, on invitation from Imran khan will be visiting pakistan on 27-28th June 2019. He will have a meeting with Dr. Arif alvi during the visit while the PM will hold delegation level talks.president Ghani recently held first review session of the landmark Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS) and this is his third visit to Pakistan. He will also travel to Lahore to attend a business forum. In recent weeks telephone calls between President Ghani and Prime Minister Imran Khan, bilateral meetings between the two leaders when in OIC Summit, Makkah, and visits of Afghan National Security Adviser and Minister for Refugees to Pakistan are the important exchanges that took place.   


Foreign minister meets NATO secretary general in Brussels :

Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi met Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels on 25th june’19. It was also attended by the Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller. They reviewed the status of bilateral cooperation, and exchanged views on the regional political and security situation. Foreign minister briefed Pakistan efforts towards peace and shared the comprehensive approach adopted by the Government to defeat terrorism through a meaningful implementation of Nation Action Plan which involves all elements of national power. He said the principal threat Pakistan faces is from beyond borders and active measures were taken to counter these threats. The stability in Afghanistan needed for peace was highlighted.  He talked about the details of recently launched “Lahore Process”, which is a peace building initiative to facilitate intra-Afghan dialogue. The progress on Afghanistan Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS) was also shared which aims to strengthen bilateral ties.


Pakistan strongly condemns attack on Abha airport in Saudi Arabia :

The attack on Abha airport on 23rd June in one death and 21 injuries was strongly condemned by Pakistan and is supporting Saudi Arabia fully against any territorial or security threat.


United Nations restored the status of Islamabad as a family station for international staff : 

Pakistan welcomed the United Nations decision to give Islamabad a status as a family station for its international staff, after a review of the security situation. 

Pakistan looks forward to working closely with the UN, helping the UN officials carry out work throughout the country.


Indian Argument rejected regarding FATF matter :

The statement issued by India on FATF was called preposterous and called another attempt of India to politicize the efforts of FATF for its narrow motives. Pakistan has shared its concerns regularly on this matter with the FATF chair and members in the past and drawn attention to high  statements and media leaks from India to cast Pakistan in a negative light and it’s downgrading. 


Visit of Amir Qatar :

 On the invitation of Prime Minister Imran Khan, His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar, arrived in Islamabad today on a two-day State Visit to Pakistan. He is accompanied by a high-powered delegation comprising key Ministers and Senior Officials. The meeting was one on one followed by talks. Closeness of Pakistan and Qatar ties was reaffirmed. They agreed to increase  bilateral trade; expand collaboration in the agriculture and food sectors; enhance cooperation in the energy sector, promote Qatar’s investments in energy, tourism and hospitality industries; increase the number of Pakistani workers employed in Qatar; expand cooperation in the fields of aviation, maritime affairs, higher education, and defence. 

The two sides also exchanged views on the regional situation the Afghan peace process. 

 Pakistan and Qatar signed the following MoUs: 


  • Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of Pakistan and Qatar Joint Working Group (JWG) on Trade and Investment; 


  • Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in the fields of Tourism and Business Events between Government of State of Qatar and the Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan; and 


  • Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of Exchange of Financial Intelligence related to Money Laundering, Associated Predicate Offences and Terrorism Financing between Financial Information Unit of State of Qatar and the Financial Monitoring Unit, in the Government of Pakistan. 


Talk with US secretary of state :

Foreign minister shah mehmood qureshi had a telephonic call with the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss bilateral relations. He briefed him about the current measures taken by Pakistan against terrorism and the national action plan initiative for economic reconstruction. They discussed reconciliation process in Afghanistan and the importance of bringing peace and stability. 


Pakistan Japan dialogue – 7th round : 

It was led by Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad, Special Secretary (Asia Pacific) Pakistan and Mr. Shigeki Takizaki, Director General, Southeast and Southwest Asian Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. They reciprocated views on global and regional issues and policies. The Japanese delegation held Military-to-Military talks at the Ministry of Defence and a Memorandum on Defence Cooperation and Exchanges was signed between the two countries.