Daily Wage Workers Fear Lockdown

Daily wage workers from almost every industry are having a hard time making ends meet considering the unofficial lockdown in the country.

Daily wage workers are the ones who are fearing lockdown the most. There’s no official lockdown in Sindh but everyone has been requested to stay home. Almost all public places have been closed down such as gyms, wedding halls and whatnot. The ones suffering the most during these times are the daily wage workers who earn money on a daily basis. Most of these workers are the ones to earn bread and butter for the entire household, which makes it even harder to survive.

The lack of thought by the government over this situation has let people’s hopes down. Every one had thought of Naya Pakistan, where the world – or at least Pakistan – would be a better state. Unfortunately, we’ve been thinking quite highly of the government but the people have different thoughts. Even our tourist industry is suffering. At this time of the year, many start making plans for summer vacations but this time we’d be seeing nothing of this sort, not until the situation gets a bit better.

The ones earning through small stalls called thelas have been suffering too. They would earn based off of whatever they were selling. Ever since this unofficial lockdown, they’re having a hard time at home making ends meet. There are plenty of other citizens like these thela walas who have been suffering. Turning various places into quarantine centers is a great step but the government should also focus on these citizens.

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