Ehsan Ullah Ehsan Escapes From Jail

Ehsan Ullah Ehsan had surrendered himself to the armed forces back in 2017, but has escaped the Army prison yesterday, which is quite shocking.

Ehsan Ullah Ehsan was former spokesperson for Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan and Jamat-ul-Ahrar. Being a spokesperson for the two banned organizations, he was also involved in different attacks. In October 2012, Ehsan Ullah attacked now-Pakistani Activist, Malala Yousufzai. He was also the mastermind behind APS attack. The attack did, indeed, took lives of many innocent children and the day still haunts many of us. Moreover, he was involved in different attacks, all around the country, claiming several lives. He was dangerous to Pakistan to such an extent that then-Interior Minister, Rehman Malik, offered a $1 Billion bounty on Ehsan Ullah’s head.

Ehsan Ullah Ehsan’s Surrender

Nevertheless, Ehsan Ullah surrendered himself to Pakistan Army in April 2017. There had been no details given of how and where did he surrender himself, but all that was told was that he had given up. General Asif Ghafoor told “In this regard, I would like to share with you. The banned Jamaat-ur-Ahrar and Tehreek e-Taliban [TTP] spokesperon Ehsanullah Ehsan has surrendered himself to security forces”.”If a person who is doing the wrong thing feels that they are on the wrong side and that they should come back towards good, then I don’t think there can be a bigger success of the state than this,” Ghafoor added.

Ehsan Ullah Ehsan’s Escape

After all these efforts by Pakistan Army, somehow, Ehsan Ullah Ehsan has managed to escape from imprisonment. In a video recording, Ehsan Ullah confirmed that he had escaped from prison. Moreover, he has blamed Pak Army for many different things. Here is a tweet that he tweeted along with his confession of escape.

It is yet unknown, how Ehsan Ullah escaped from jail along with his family. And did he actually escape from jail? Or is it something else that is hidden from civilians? Its all still a question mark. However, no such official statement has been released by any of the media channel yet.

Regardless of what the matter is, we stand right by our Army. And all we look forward to is a peaceful nation. Lets pray that the peace, that was there since quite a long time, shouldn’t be disturbed by his escape. And our agencies and army should get back to arresting Ehsan Ullah, who has blood of many innocents on his head.

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