Fazalur Rehman, President of Pakistan? WHY? HOW?

Imagine today is 23rd March and at the time of Parade we see a horse coming out of somewhere with a very healthy guy riding it….um I mean very very healthy guy. Remember he is the same guy who once said I don’t celebrate Independence Day. The guy who’s image out in the world is not very good. No that’s not the end, he is the one who actually won against a well known Barrister and equally well-known Doctor in the presidential elections. Yes, you got it right! Maulana Fazalur Rehman. Aghhh its cringe-worthy imagination, right?



This imagination can actually become reality on 4th September 2018 when Maulana Fazalur Rehman head of JUI-F will go against PPP’s Ahtezaz Ahsan and PTI’s Dr Arif Alvi in elections to be held in Senate, National Assembly and Provincial Assembly.





Initially, the grand alliance announced of bringing one candidate representing them but PPP backed out and announced their own candidate in Barrister Ahtezaz Ahsan. PML-N was not very happy with the decision and some of their leaders actually blamed PPP for clearing the way for PTI’s candidate and under the table deal between the two.



We still can’t digest the fact that PML-N lead alliance actually nominated the Maulana Fazlur Rehman for the President-ship despite having some great names for this post such as Saad Rafique, Ahsan Iqbal and much more. And we just have one question: