Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | Book Review

An enticing and spine-chilling read. Rowling’s imagination is brought to life in the sequel to the celebrated, urban fantasy Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

The second installment in the classic series by J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter has spent his summer practicing magic under the sheets, writing to his two best friends and counting down the days until he can return to Hogwarts.

Back in the irksome Dursley household, Harry is trapped in his bedroom after a house elf appears, attempting to stop Harry from returning to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Lucky for Harry, his friends Ronald Weasley along with his baleful twin brothers, Fred and George steal their father’s flying car and rescue Harry on the night of his twelfth birthday.

After spending time with his best friend’s family Harry and Ron miss the train to Hogwarts and when they find their way back to Hogwarts, they are nearly expelled for being seen by Muggles.

However, there are matters far worse than crashing your father’s car into a Whomping Willow. Students are being found petrified and a message written in blood on the stone walls of the school, the students are as frightened as Ron Weasley is of spiders and Hermione Granger is of expulsion!

Harry has a dilemma of his own, for “Hearing voices that no one else can hear isn’t a good sign, even in the Wizarding World.” The Golden Trio do their utmost to find the Chamber of Secrets, hidden somewhere in the walls of the esoteric school before the creature within can do any more harm.

Albeit, this time Harry will need more help and he will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it. Following the anomalous events and a conversation with a ghost lurking in the school bathrooms, Harry pockets a diary and communicates with a former student of Hogwarts who leads him to the deepest part of the school.

An enticing and spine-chilling read. Rowling’s imagination is brought to life in the sequel to the celebrated, urban fantasy Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Though we should be cautious since Rowling clearly states in her second bestseller, “Books can be misleading.”

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Read our previous book review:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone