Imran Khan: Big Jalsa to Happen

Imran Khan has announced that he will be hosting a jalsa on Friday, 13th of September, to show our solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Kashmir.

Imran Khan’s tweet has shook us all. Another jalsa will be held by Prime Minister on Friday, 13th of September. He wants to support the people in Kashmir who have been deprived of their basic rights and shunned. He invited us all to show our solidarity with the people living there.

His tweet said:

I am going to do a big jalsa in Muzzafarabad on Friday 13 Sept, to send a message to the world about the continuing siege of IOJK by Indian Occupation forces; & to show the Kashmiris that Pakistan stands resolutely with them.

Imran Khan is known for his extravagant jalsas. Previously, he has held many  jalsas but this time this gathering will be more like a protest. A protest against the injustice and inhumane behaviour. Therefore, we should support him but not at the cost of our own economy’s loss. There were many loses due to the jalsas held when he claimed that there was rigging done. They were just claims that he made at that time without any sort of proofs.

One thing was that these jalsas in the past had effected our economy a lot. We should definitely protest and show our solidarity with Kashmiris but also keep our economy in mind. Our economy suffered hence, we should make sure to not repeat that mistake again. Raising our voice is necessary because we need to support our brothers and sisters in distress. The whole world is silent while Kashmir is bleeding.

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Shehbaz Sharif provides his supports over Kashmir issue