Imran Khan’s Official Visit to Iran

Amidst all the tensions between Iran and Pakistan, since the mid of February, an official meeting was to be held. At last, Imran Khan meets Hasan Rouhani!

With each government comes a biased relation towards other countries. While in Asif Ali Zardari’s governance, Pakistan was inclined towards Iran, however, during Nawaz Sharif’s governance, Pakistan got closer to Saudi Arabia. It had been long since Pakistan had a government with an unbiased Foreign Policy towards either of the countries, regardless. However, when Imran Khan was elected as the Prime Minister of Pakistan, we hoped for non-biasness from his side, and he came right up to our expectations in this regards.



Yesterday, on 21st April, Imran Khan visited Tehran, to talk over the Confidence Building Measures (CBM) between Iran and Pakistan. On his way to Tehran, Imran Khan took a small stop at Mashhad, Iran and paid a visit to Imam Reza’s Shrine for Fatiha. He then went to Tehran at the President’s Palace, where he was welcomed with the ‘Guard of Honor’. Imran Khan, in his press conference alongside Hasan Rouhani, Imran Khan told how he is inspired from the Iranian Revolution and how he wants Pakistan and Iran to, fight against terrorism together, and curb terrorism in either state. According to Imran Khan “It is justice that will bring peace, either in Iran, Pakistan, Palestine or Kashmir, and it is not the military that can do so”. Imran Khan also discussed, how trade, health care and other necessities can benefit Pakistan, with the help of Iran.

Conditions might get better for both of the countries, as it got quite a bit tense since the Omara attack, which resulted in killing of many Iranian Soldiers. Not to forget Iran was the first country to accept Pakistan as a separate country. With much hopes with the neighboring country, let’s hope things work well between both of the Islamic countries to eliminate terrorism and they start working on trade.