Instagram Is Down!

Instagram is showing Error 5xx

Instagram has stopped working, many individuals are not able to see the profiles and pictures of or go on others profiles. The users are instead greeted with “5xx Server Error”  or “Cannot Refresh Feed”

This recent problem came amid a difficult time for Instagram, the company’s two founders who left because of issues with Facebook regarding how the company would be run, the news about the Facebook hack that was talked over the weekend, might state that Instagram users might also have gotten caught in the mess, if they had signed up on Instagram using Facebook.

It might even be a technical fault. Instagram does go down from time-to-time and can send major ripples across the internet since more than a billion people use it each month. If you guys were thinking of posting some cool or interesting posts on Instagram might as well wait it out, but for the time being, let us know what are your thoughts on the matter.