Justice for Khadija-convict accquited by LHC

On 3rd May 2016,Khadija Siddiqui was stabbed 23 times by Shah Hussain who was her classmate and son of  lawyer Tanweer Hashmi.He had left her lying in a pool of her own blood after the stabbing in the middle of the road.

Shah Hussain was tried in court and subjected to 7 years of imprisonment, later it was reduced down to 5 years of imprisonment and the final verdict was delcared on 4th June 2018 in which Shah Hussain was acquitted and released on the basis of benefit of doubt.

Many have taken to social media platforms such as Facebook and twitter to highlight their views upon this ruling.This includes the National Women Lawyers society of Pakistan and Hassan niazi;Khadijas lawyer.

Many celebrtieis also took to twitter to voice their opinions: