Karachi’s ‘Garbage Epidemic’ Might End Soon.

We finally might see Karachi all cleaned up as per the order of Prime Minister Imran Khan, ad we sure agree that it is better late than never.

Known as the city of lights, Karachi is also known as the heart of Pakistan. And this city has been a victim of waste products and litter for long now. At every corner you turn, at every road you travel, you will surely find a heap of waste at one place or another. Sadly, no one has ever looked after Karachi’s maintenance as such since ages. Those who take the authority keep blaming one another for the situation and at the end its the people of Karachi or other NGOs who have to do things on their own.

Recently, Karachi went under two great spells of rain and was left in a devastated state. Broken roads, blocked sewage disposals, and no proper management left Karachi is dismal. The blissful weather soon turned out to be a hustle and bustle for everyone. The promises made to ‘invest’ in Karachi didn’t come up to the mark as such after the last two spells. The ‘disposed’ waste garbage after Eid ul Azha didn’t only become a reason for different diseases especially skin infection, but also became a reason for thousands of bees to bombard Karachi.

Now Imran Khan has taken a notice of this and issued a statement saying “The PTI’s members of national and provincial assemblies elected from Karachi should enthusiastically take part in clean Karachi campaign,” he said. All of this happened after Ali Zaidi and Wasim Akhter began war along with PPP over waste disposals. This compelled Prime Minister Imran Khan to take an action against this.

Another rain spell is yet to hit Sindh, especially Karachi, in the end of August. To avoid the same distress, PTI should actually resolve the matter before it becomes a burden again. Lets see how long it takes to actually implement the decision.