Kashees Transforms an African Girl Into a White Chick & That’s Not OK!

2018 has been the year for acceptance all over the world. Body positivity is being promoted and accepting of race and color is what we are moving towards.

In Pakistan, so many different brands are promoting the fact that beauty comes in all colors and you don’t have to be just ‘white’ in order to be beautiful.

Kashees is a well know salon and they are well know for doing a complete transformation of anyone by using makeup. Recently, they posted videos on Instagram with black women and then completely turning them into white chicks. You’ll be amazed at what they do their face! You literally can’t recognize them.

The people of our society are still bent on the fact that white women are pretty and anyone who is a bit tan is referred to as  ‘kaali’ or ‘kalan’ . After this video, we are literally feeding the society exactly the concept we want to change?

Sure, it might be just a marketing strategy but it promotes a very negative message.