Kashmir & India – Article 370

Stole autonomy, communication blackout and chaos is what's happening in the disputed area of Jammu & Kashmir.

India has made an amendment in their constitution. The president had signed a decree abolishing Article 370 of the constitution that gave a measure of autonomy to the Muslim-majority Jammu & Kashmir. There have been many protests in this regard.

#StandWithKashmir has been trending on Twitter and many people are showing their solidarity with Kashmir. The people of Kashmir are suffering from communication black out as there’s no internet. This is a common tactic to stop the anti-Indian news to reach the surface.


The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday proposed revoking Article 370 of India’s constitution, which confers special rights to permanent residents of IoK.

Article 35A from the constitution does not allow any Indian citizen to permanently settle in the disputed region. It prevented any Indian from buying land, settling, winning educational scholarships or getting government job in this region. However, Article 370 has changed over the years while this one remains unchanged.

The former chief ministers of IoK have been placed under house arrest by the Indian government. Therefore, making it seem like a curfew. He’s been put under house arrest on Sunday night. Kashmir is a disputed area and we stand with all our fellow civilians who are residing in this region. No one can take away this land. This is injustice and we condemn this act.

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