Kashmir – The Land of Grief

The Kashmiris are facing the worst possible time, with India and Pakistan on the urge of war. The freedom fighters are being killed and no one is paying heed as such, not even United Nations.

Kashmir. This one place on earth holds quite worth, naturally and politically both. Since partition, both India and Pakistan have been fighting over this one place. This war has never come to an end with only Kashmiris bearing the loss of their beloved one, regardless, every time a political disturbance takes place in the country.

The History Of Kashmir:

The issues between India and Pakistan have been ongoing since 1947. India considers that Kashmir is an integral part whereas Pakistan considers that Kashmir should be given the liberty to choose.

The two countries sketched the LoC in 1949 between them. Jammu Kashmir became of part of India and Azad Kashmir came under Pakistan’s umbrella. In 1965 and 1999, Pakistan and India came face to face with an intention to war. In 1965, Pakistan gave a tough time to India when carrying out Operation Gibraltar. Pakistan Army could have been more successful back then, if their whereabouts hadn’t been told off. 1999 war is said to be the war where Pakistan almost captured Kashmir but the troops had to be called back as Nawaz Sharif ordered them under the oppression of UN. Well decide for yourself, how successful was the Pakistan Army here, by looking at the point where Kargil is. It is, just by the way, a location above the ground level, which was giving Pakistan Army a perfect chance to ambush the Indian Army, but all in vain.

The Ongoing in Kashmir:

The situations in Kashmir have been deteriorating since quite along time. Where Kashmiris seek for Pakistan Army to take over, India does its best to counter it, failing since ages. Recently on 14th February 2019, a bomber blew himself to pieces killing 40 Indian Security Personnel along with him. JeM accepted the attack however, Indian forces sent their fighter jets into the Pakistani territory in order to eliminate the ‘terrorists’. They miserably failed to do so, only destroying a handful of trees. PAF brought down an MiG-21 plane, on the other hand in return, capturing and later releasing one of India’s Pilot, Abhinandan. Since then, Pakistan and India have been fighting on and off over this.

Now the tensions on the LoC have quite increased since the start of August. Indian troops have deployed quite many soldiers on the border, rising tensions all around the border. Not only this, they have been firing on the civilians too, using cluster bombs in order to maximize their killings. Pakistan Army hasn’t retaliated yet, but its yet to see what happens.

What About Human Rights in Kashmir?

Human rights has been a question mark when it comes to Kashmir. Children have been killed, elderly have been targeted and women have been raped mercilessly since the issue rose up. And it is Kashmir that suffers. At one Indian Armed Forces, Indian Army and CPRF and on the other hand are the Islamic militants in Kashmir have created this havoc, especially when it comes to rape. India, sadly, have been more inclined towards fulfillment of sexual desires through Kashmiri women. Indian Constitution revoked article 370 a few days ago. This article provided special status to Jammu and Kashmir. When revoked, this is what BJP MLA Vikram Sani had to say,

which he later denied, but was recorded on screen. This shows how desperate the Indians are and how inconsiderate they can be when it comes to women.

Apart from this, Indian forces have been using cluster bombs in order to bombard innocent civilians which is completely insane. Using of force against elderly, killing and kidnapping kids, everything goes against basic human rights.

Since Kashmir was under a curfew for the last 12 days, life was quite difficult for the residents there. No ill or injured could reach hospital as they were closed and forcefully shut due to the curfew call.

When it comes to human rights in Kashmir, one can clearly say they have been completely neglected by India as well as UNHR for a long time. Schools closed, hospitals shut, people on the verge of losing jobs, family members being killed, daughters being raped, and this is Kashmir at the moment.

UN’s Take On The Matter:

On Friday, 16th August 2019, United Nations Security Council took in consideration the long lost issue of Kashmir under their observance.

“The people of Jammu and Kashmir may be locked up and their voices not heard in their own homes and their own land, but their voices were heard today at the meeting of the United Nations Security Council. It is for the first time in 50 years that the world body has reaffirmed that Kashmir is not India’s internal issue as it is an internally recognized dispute,” said Maleeha Lodhi.

Also, Maleeha Lodhi replied to tweet saying,

In all this mayhem, China has been a great support to Pakistan through all of this issue. According to them the members of Security Council have expressed their serious concerns on the on going issue in Jammu & Kashmir. Like any other sane country, China also opposes decisions that have been taking unilaterally. They are also against the actions that will smoke up the issue and tensions between India and Pakistan over Kashmir.

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, UN also took an action over the deterioration of human rights in Kashmir. UN rejected Kashmir’s issue as an internal issue of India and according to Shah Mahmood Qureshi, it is a happy moment for the people of Pakistan. UN had asked to life the curfew that India had imposed on Kashmiris, however no such action over it has been taken yet. The people of Kashmir have been going in to the same torture for the last few days since fifth of August.

What Might Happen Next?

Kashmir is in a bad state and people might revolt if not now, than later. For every 10 Kashmiris is an Indian Solider on average, which is as cruel as it sounds. Freedom fighters like Burhan Wani have already lost their life, and many are in progress of fighting for the nation and separation of Kashmir from Indian violence.

The Indian forces had captured Yasin Malik, but later released him after quite a long time. There are many unknowns who still are fighting for their liberation and for the sake of every Kashmiri in the region. If India does as per what UN asks them to do so, life for Kashmiris might get less miserable. Pakistan Army has never supported war, and has always looked forward to peace. But if others urge Pak Army to fight and to come on borders, we sure know how capable they are and what potential do they keep.

Lets all pray for Kashmir, and keep our hopes high.

Pakistan Army Zindabad! And yeah, Lets not say Kashmir banayga Pakistan. Let Kashmiris decide their faith.