Lets’ beat a journalist, as for now we can’t do anything else’

Muslims and Kashmiris are facing continuous oppression from the side of the Indians after the Pulwama attack.

Indians have been quite clear on their stance over Pulwama attack by now. No doubt, those who have been killed in the attack were solider and we Pakistanis are deeply saddened over their killing. But that does not justify the atrocities of Indians on innocent people and transgression over all the Muslims, Pakistanis or Kashmiris.

Pulwama attack killing around 42 Indian Force officers

Recently, a journalist, Jibran Nazir, who works in Pune, got himself engaged in a road rage where two people beat him up, saying “we will send you back to Kashmir, do your journalism there”. The police investigated the case and has caught one of the assailants, who although did apologize later.

Jibran Nazir

Prior to this incident, three Kashmiris had been beaten up, while travelling from Delhi to Haryana, along with other Kashmiri students who were attacked in Yavatmal district, Haryana. However, again this action had been condemned by Aaditya Thackeray, where he tweeted his reaction.

We, Pakistanis, feel your loss, but that does not mean you can harm us in any possible way. After all, our beloved Prime Minister was quite clear when he said “WE WILL RETALIATE”.