Lets Go Green!

One Of The Best Gifts We Can Give To Future Generations Are Trees


“Trees exhale for us so that we can inhale them to stay alive. Can we ever forget that? Let us love trees with every breath we take until we perish.” 

  If we talk about the value of plantation, it would reach the infinity of a square. The existence of trees is not only important but a basic necessity of our life.. They have not only provided us with two of life’s essentials, food and oxygen, but they have fulfilled other necessities of ours such as shelter, medicine and furniture. We gain timber, paper and firewood by trees only. They do not only overcome our needs but also add some beauty to our lives. They are a huge asset to the environment as they also control pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide.
  Have we ever wondered if we are actually contributing to our environment? Are we playing our role as humans? Thankfully people got aware about the importance of plantation but do they really care about it? Here’s a list of so many questions but only you can give an answer to it. Today, we are going to discuss about a few things that we need to acknowledge before we plant a tree.


Things That We Need To Acknowledge


Research About It

Before we plant a tree, it’s important to do a proper research about it first. Sometimes, a plant is not really suitable for the ground which might be dangerous for the environment. It s not only about planting trees but planting the right one is what really matters.




Treat It Well

One should better take care of the plant or it’s better if they just don’t grow it. Some people just plant the tree but they stop taking care about it. It is their responsibility to look after it just like a gardener does. They should stay loyal to the commitment that they have made.





Most of the people contribute for plantation in order to show off. People should make a proper check list and fulfill the needs of a plant. Media should also devote themselves for this cause. A check up should be done annually in order to know about the improvements.


“Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year.”