Mansha Pasha Takes A Stance Against Moral Policing

Mansha Pasha takes to social media to denounce the moral policing of actresses done by the masses following the Lux Style Awards.

Mansha Pasha took to Twitter to condemn the moral policing done by the masses following the Lux Style Awards.

The Lux Style Awards that took place on Saturday garnered a lot of attention on social media.

The red carpet of the event caused a massive outrage online, as many condemned the dressing of the actresses.

Many twitter users slammed them for promoting western culture and described their outfits as vulgar.

The criticisms took a more personal turn as people started character assassinating the actresses. Many went on to question their moral compass.

In response, Mansha Pasha condemned the outrage against the actresses for their choice of dressing.

She said ” Every award show ends with a slew of sermonizing comments under the photos of all female celebrities making character judgments about how good or bad she is based on her outfit. Honestly, this is the real superficiality. Judging a person’s inner nature based on an outfit choice.”

She also said in another tweet ” If you think verbal abuse (well-intended or justified in your minds perhaps) makes you a good person, please check again.”

Unfortunately, this is not the first time women have been panned for their dress style at an award show.

Many took to social media to condemn the choice of clothing by actresses who attended the Hum Style Awards. Similar reactions have been made in the past with other award functions and the dresses worn then.

Only this time around an actress gave a befitting reply to all the hateful comments being spewed online.

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