Mrs.Khan Wants Women to Make Rotis

Mrs.Khan wants newly married women to keep their mouth shut and obey their husbands no matter what and keep cooking food for them.

Mrs.Khan is a rishta aunty (match maker) who is apparently quite famous. She recently bashed women on national television. She was the guest speaker on a morning show which certainly did not end well. Her primitive remarks on how women should behave with their husbands is something that doesn’t sit well with women.

The topic was to discuss the impact of divorce on children. Her discussion drifted from the actual topic towards how women need to shut their mouths and be obedient. She said that women have started to talk a lot, if this stops and she controls her tongue then this wouldn’t happen.

Mrs.Khan said:

“Keep your tongue in check. If women control what comes out of their mouth, divorces won’t happen so often. We used to be told that when the husband comes home, his shoes need to placed in a certain manner, his clothes are kept in a proper way. There should be a roti on the tawa just ready to be served with the salan.”

There’s no doubt in the fact that the current divorce rate is higher than before but that doesn’t mean only women are to be held accountable for it. Being a woman, she displayed sexist and misogynist views which shows her problematic thinking.

Mrs.Khan said that women should not open their mouths unnecessarily. Women should cook, clean and look after the children and their husbands. So, that means that men are big babies and they should be looked after by women because they can’t perform simple tasks by themselves? Also, why is it so hard for people to understand the difference between parents and a husband? Husbands are partners not parents, they don’t own their wives.

Marriages aren’t only about cleaning the house, taking care of children, making gol rotis and salans. It’s about mutual agreement on everything, love and respecting each other. Women these days aren’t spending so much on their education only to sit at home and obey their husbands. It’s an era where we’re seeing women earn and finance their household with their income as well. They don’t get married to become an unpaid labour. She has failed to acknowledge that many people have been raised by working parents.

Her problematic behaviour doesn’t just end there. I came across this status of a woman who posted on Facebook saying that Mrs.Khan has also lied to many people about rishtas.

This post is to aware anyone who is willing to seek rishta with Mrs.Khan's help or considering her as an ideal woman…

Posted by Sania Khan on Friday, August 23, 2019

This isn’t about personally attacking her but rather to make people understand that one shouldn’t be trusting people like her to decide future of their daughters or sons due to her questionable thoughts. A woman hating on another woman is the last thing we need in the 21st century. In times where woman are speaking up for themselves and against unjust behaviour of either their in-laws or husband, we need to shun such thoughts from women like Mrs.Khan.

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