Netflix’s The Crown Stirring Controversy in UK

Famous Netflix series, The Crown, has been stirring controversies in the UK and has offended many British Royals- they claim it is a work of fiction.

The famous Netflix show The Crown has been receiving multifold of feedback over its latest season. The show is based on the British monarchy, how Queen Elizabeth II came into power, and what has gone down ever since.

The Crown reveals several trade secrets and is an insight into the private lives of the Royals and whatever has happened in the history of the monarchy. If you’re into history and learning about the Royals- you will love this show!

However, Britain’s Culture Minister thinks that Netflix’s TV show The Crown should be ruled as a work of fiction. Culture Secretary, Oliver Dowden, took great offense to the historical liberties taken by the show, he believes that is a wrongful depiction of the British Royal Family.

“It’s a beautifully produced work of fiction. So as with other TV productions, Netflix should be very clear at the beginning it is just that,” Dowden told the Mail on Sunday newspaper. “Without this, I fear a generation of viewers who did not live through these events may mistake fiction for fact.” Even though producers of The Crown have previously stated that most of the show is based on facts, and only some parts are imaginative.

Netflix is yet to respond to Dowden’s statement. Even though the British were okay with The Crown releasing in 2016, the controversy began from the fourth season, which is set in the 1980s. The season characters include Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, whose 11-year tenure transformed and divided Britain, and the late Princess Diana, whose death in a car crash in 1997 traumatized the nation.

The Crown has been criticized by several conservatives and Royals for not portraying events in history accurately. However, the show’s creator, Peter Morgan, says his work is thoroughly researched and wouldn’t have gone through if he didn’t think it was right. “you sometimes have to forsake accuracy, but you must never forsake the truth.” Morgan says.

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