One in 20 deaths Worldwide Due To Alcohol

No matter how bad things are, drinking will make them worse.

Alcohol causes more than one in 20 deaths Word-wide, each year; lately reported by the UN health agency on alcohol and health. More than AIDS, it includes drink driving, violence, abuse and a bunch of diseases and disorders. According to the latest research, men are particularly at risk as men account for more than three quarters of alcohol related deaths.

Causes Of Harmful Use Of Alcohol

  • 100% use of alcohol disorders.
  • 48% of liver cirrhosis
  • 27% traffic injuries
  • 26% of mouth cancer
  • 26% of pancreatitis
  • 20% of tuberculosis
  • 18% of suicides
  • 18% of interpersonal fights
  • 13% epilepsy
  • 11% of colorectal cancer
  • 7% of hypertensive heart disease
  • 5% breast cancer

Apart from liver cirrhosis and some other cancers, drinking is linked to more than 200 health conditions.

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement, “Far too many people, their families and communities suffer the consequences of the harmful use of alcohol through violence, injuries, mental health problems and diseases like cancer and stroke.” Further, he added, “It’s time to step up action to prevent this serious threat to the development of healthy societies

According to the latest available statistics, 5.3% of the deaths took place due to the consumption o alcohol. The study showed HIV/AIDS was responsible for 1.8 percent of global deaths in 2016, road injuries for 2.5 percent and violence for 0.8 percent comparatively. In Europe and America the overall rate of disease and injuries caused by the harmful use of alcohol is unacceptably high.
According to WHO’s estimation, globally 237 million men and 46 million women suffer from alcohol use disorders.Alcohol abuse affects nearly 15 percent of men and 3.5 percent of women in Europe, and 11.5 percent of men and 5.1 percent of women in the Americas, it pointed out.
Alcohol consumption overall is unevenly distributed around the globe, with well over half of the world’s population over the age of 15 abstaining completely.