Osman Khalid Butt Slams Haters After The Viral Fake Marriage

A "mock" wedding that took place recently at LUMS quickly gained popularity after people began to view it as a threat. Osman Khalid Butt shared his views.

Pupils from a Lahore university recently discovered a way to experience the benefits of desi nuptials but without the added stress of family, dowry, and expensive traditions. They planned a big, fictitious wedding for two seniors who were selected to play the roles of the couple-to-be, complete with ornate bridal attire. The video of the unusual event gained a lot of attention on Twitter, where many users commented on the youngsters’ imaginative decisions.

Yet, some found the group having fun offensive. Several people even questioned whether this “fake” wedding would actually result in a “nikah”. Osman Khalid Butt, an actor, took the lead in refuting this assertion.

He tweeted something amusing like, “Oh my God! I spoke too soon… the whole timeline is filled with debates on whether the LUMS students are actually married (?!) I’ve had nikah scenes in so many dramas. Sorry ladies, I guess I am your pati parmeshwar (husband) now.”

Artist Ahmed Ali Butt has now expressed his opinion regarding the pointless harassment and speculations over innocuous, creative activities. “Fact: Pakistan has become a toxic place where creativity is looked down upon, where festivals are banned, cinemas are shut down, parks are turned into plots, agricultural lands are being chopped into housing schemes, and God forbid if we see someone having fun or enjoying,” he posted on his Instagram story.

“We are so filled with hate and envy that we celebrate someone’s downfall and get jealous of others’ success. This is 100% true,” Ahmed Ali Butt bemoaned. Very true.

Several Twitter users agreed that the idea was intriguing and entertaining, while some disapproved, saying it promoted a “false culture”. Even one Twitter user referred to the occasion as peculiar, adding that it would be strange for anyone who later married one of the participants.

Pupils from the same university dressed in the costumes of characters from Bollywood movies to mark “Bollywood Day” prior in February.

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