Pakistan Stands Alongside Kashmir

Pakistan was, is and will be standing alongside Kashmir. And to show the togetherness, Pakistan is going to observe Solidarity Hour today!

The current crisis in Kashmir have made the world realize the situation of Kashmiris. Pakistan, today, will be observing Kashmir Solidarity Hour to show the world that Pakistan stands alongside Kashmir. On the orders of Imran Khan, Pakistan is to observe the hour from 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM today i.e. 30-10-2019. This is what Imran Khan tweeted.

What is going to happen in the time being? Well, people will come out on the streets and chant in favor of Kashmir. Sirens will be hooted and National Anthem will be played all across the country. Well many might question why to do this? What is the reason and what are we going to get out of this? Imran Khan has the answer.

Well, this seems legit, as that is the most one civilian can do. But not only should we show solidarity with the Kashmiris but also unanimity with our forces who have been fighting on the border. Our solider who have given up their life already in order to save the nation Pakistan.

The actual event will be taking place at Prime Minister office. All signals will be flashing red to make the traffic come to a halt. Government machines will stop working and work is to be paused so that everyone can take part in the rallies. Even the trains are going to stop for a minute. All in all, everything will be stopping for Kashmir.

So leave what you’re doing and stand up for the people of Kashmir, for the sake of our brothers who are killed mercilessly and our sisters who have been beaten and raped ruthlessly. Its time, and we should show the world, when it comes to Kashmir, we are all one.
