Pakistan’s legendary Urdu novelist Fatima Surraya Bajia 88th Birthday.

Born in the inhabitants of Hyderabad on September 1, 1930, Fatima Surraya Bajia was a renowned Urdu novelist, playwright and drama author. She didn’t have a formal degree, however, had gained broad learning of Arabic, Persian, English and Urdu writing and history at home through private tutors.

Regardless of whether Bajia composed a play, serial or some other TV-versatile piece, she extravagantly portrayed the way of life of the region and the period she set the story in.

As individuals opened the world’s most well-known search engine on Saturday, they were welcomed with a doodle dedicated to the incredible writer who made Pakistan proud around the globe.

Bajia is said to have composed nearly 300 plays, focusing especially on ladies, youngsters, history, and culture.

She made sure that all her siblings receive a good education and successfully carved out their individual identity in separate fields of arts and culture. Her sibling Anwar Maqsood turned into a comedian and writer, her sister Zehra Nigah turned into a famous poetess while Zubaida Tariq turned into a cooking master.

Bajia won various honors, including The Pride of Performance Award in 1996 for her services to the performing arts in Pakistan. In 2012, she was honored with Hilal-I-Imtiaz by the President of Pakistan.
Other than local awards, she was awarded the highest civil award of Japan.

“I lost my mother today. She not only left her family members but hundred of thousands of her fans to mourn the loss,” said a distraught looking Maqsood, adding that he was with Bajia at the time of her passing.