Plastic Bag Alternatives To Be Introduced Soon in Pakistan

Pakistani Government will be banning plastic and using a plant based biodegradable substance to make shopping bags as an alternative.

Plastic is an element that takes up to 500 years to decompose. Even after these many years, it still leaves it’s residue behind. Pakistan is definitely a big contributor to the wastage and it needs to stop. The recent ban on plastic has been somewhat helpful but we still have a long way to go.

This plastic waste is hazardous to health because it compiles in the rivers and pollutes them. The government has taken notice of this issue due to which they are planning to completely ban it. All vendors will be advised to refrain from producing and using plastic to reduce the unnecessary wastage.

The government banned plastic but only in Islamabad and not the whole country. Now the ban will be effective in the whole country and an alternative will be provided. The Kenyan model of making shopping bags from plants will be used as they are biodegradable.

There’s no denying to the fact that a whole industry of plastic will suffer due to the ban, but it’s eventually going to help our environment. If we look at it in the long run, it will be beneficial for us and our upcoming generations. Climate change committee chair said that the ministry should form committee to find solution to plastic bag industry shutdown, unemployment.

This wastage is not only hazardous to humans but also the wildlife around us. This plastic wastage goes to the rivers which ends up in the seas and oceans and contaminates the whole water, many sea creatures have lost their lives due to waste being thrown in the rivers and seas. If we want to preserve and grow our wildlife then we need to change our habits that affect our environment negatively.

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