Prediction Of War Between USA And Iran

Everything you need to know about the US Iranian conflict

It is feared that a war will break down between Iran and USA after Iranian forces shot down a US drone. Iran argues that the drone was targeted after it breached their air space while the US claims that the aircraft was hit over international territory.

It is suspected that this could lead to open war and confrontation. Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused US National Security Adviser John Bolton of plotting for war against Iran while Trump threatened to attack Iran if they retaliate against anything American. Russia in response gave its solidarity with Iran and accused US of being reckless asserting that its military intelligence showed the US drone was in Iranian airspace. Saudi Arabia warned Iran there would be more sanctions and Trump signed an order targeting additional financial sanctions and said it would do anything to increase pressure on Iran and prevent it from making weapons. They also launched cyber attacks on Iranian missiles control systems.

On the other hand EU has cleared the INSTEX trade channel to be operational despite US sanctions. Even though the USA had withdrew unilaterally last year from the nuclear deal between Iran and the world powers but an official from China said Beijing would still import oil from Iran ignoring the US sanctions. Leaders of Russia, India and China have also urged joint action against unilateralism.
A formal complaint was filed by Iran against US to the United Nations which stated that the drone violated the Iranian airspace boundaries. According to Iran the meeting in Vienna was the last chance to save the accord after the US withdrawal last year.

In the meeting officials from Iran, France, Germany, Britain, Russia, China and the European Union met to discuss the implementation of the deal and Iran insisted on saving it by emphasizing Europeans to buy its oil imports.

US diplomats suspected that Iran was going to exceed the limits of the deal by acquiring more uranium than permitted as it announced it would 10 days prior but it wasn’t done so by Thursday 27th June’19. Iranians claim that their only demand is to retain the deal and be able to sell their oil imports.
Iranian foreign minister warned Trump that he was mistaken to think that a war between them wouldn’t last long which he stated while claiming the US military is stronger. On the contrary US told NATO allies that it did not want to go to war with Iran but cannot tolerate any further episodes.

The Iraqi Prime Minister said they will not pick sides if a war escalates while large crowds mourned in Iran for soldiers who died in war with Iraq nearly three decades ago and asks for resistance against US.
The Vienna meeting was a step forward but still not enough to meet Iran’s expectations and change its course. Iran says the remaining signatories have not provided enough incentives and said that in early July it will start to enrich uranium above the 3.67 percent cap agreed in the deal.