Punjab Government Eases COVID-19 SOPs for Funerals

On June 24, the Punjab Government has announced that they will be easing the COVID-19 SOPs for the funerals of the ones who passed away due to the virus.

On June 24, the Punjab Government has announced that they will be easing the COVID-19 SOPs for the funerals and burials of the ones who passed away due to the virus. A notification was issued after the approval of the Punjab CM Usman Buzdar.

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Punjab Secretary Primary and Secondary Healthcare Captain (R) Muhammad Usman stated that trained teams of local government officials would perform the ablution for the funeral of those that passed away due to COVID-19 with all the necessary precautionary measures. Now, the next of kin would also be able to join in the funeral procession wearing full protective clothing.

Furthermore, relatives of the deceased would also be able to attend the funeral as per Punjab Government’s new announcement. The condition of a coffin for burial has also been removed.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) gave a step-by-step guide for a safe burial and funeral for someone who was infected with COVID-19 when they passed away. They added information regarding how to prepare and pack the body as well as transfer it from the hospital room to an autopsy unit and then to mortuary, crematorium, or a burial site.

WHO further advised those who come in close contact with the body, including health care or mortuary staff or the burial team, to apply standard precautions. These include hand hygiene before and after interacting with the infected patient’s body.

“Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) according to the level of interaction with the body, including a gown and gloves. If there is a risk of splashes from the body fluids or secretions, personnel should use facial protection, including the use of face shield or goggles and medical mask,” the April 4 report by WHO stated.

The fundamental points regarding funerals and burials during the COVID-19 pandemic are as follows:

  • Prepare the body for transfer including removal of all lines, catheters and other tubes.
  • Ensure that any body fluids leaking from orifices are contained.
  • Keep both the movement and handling of the body to a minimum.
  • Wrap the body in cloth and transfer it as soon as possible to the mortuary area.
  • There is no need to disinfect the body before transfer to the mortuary area.


Was it a wise decision by the Punjab Government to ease the COVID-19 SOPs for funerals while the virus is spreading like wildfire? Let us know what you think!


To read about NEPRA’s announcement to investigate K-Electric, click here.


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