Punjab, KP to Lift Transportation Ban Unlike Sindh

Where on one hand, Punjab and KP are lifting ban on transportation, with few conditions, there Sindh is rigid on their decision on not lifting any ban.

Sindh was the first province to impose lockdown all around the province. And they also requested other Cheif Ministers to do the same. However, they didn’t impose lockdown at that very moment, although they later understood how grave the situation is. Since then, each and every Chief Ministers locked their provinces down. It was too late for Punjab, as the number of cases rose all of a sudden there. However, in Sindh, even after lockdown the cases have been rising steadily.

But now, there have been changes in the governance and the lockdown conditions. In Punjab and KP, the governments have decided to slowly lift the ban from the Transport Sector. The Federal Government asked Sindh Government do to the same, but they refused then and there only. However, Punjab & KP has already given SOPs for the sector. According to them, each person in Public Transport will sit on alternative seats. They also said that there would be three feet distance between the passengers. Moreover, the Air Conditioning will be turned off in public transports. Windows will be opened up, so that air keeps passing and no one is contaminated with the disease. They have also decided to lower the ticket prices, as fuel prices have fallen down.


The number of cases has been increasing rapidly in Pakistan. Near to 38,000 cases have already erupted and near to 800 deaths have taken place. It is a big dilemma for the Government of Pakistan and Provincial Governments as to what decisions to take and how to implement them. If only, the people of Pakistan were cooperative enough, then things wouldn’t have come this far.

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