Reham Khan the Movie Expert?

This year is a big one for the Pakistani film industry, we’re on a road of success and everyone love it, this year Pakistan has for the first time submitted a film for the category of Foreign Films and everyone celebrates this achievement and is happy for the industry that is except Reham Khan who for the lack of better words believes ‘Cake’ is not the right choice for it. Previously two documentaries were selected for Oscars by Shermen Obaid.

Her statement did not sit well with others, including the actors of the film Adnan Malik, who in turn responded to her tweet. So did the director of the film, Asim Abbasi also came forward and responded to Reham’s Tweet.

Reham Khan also accused Zulfi Bukhari the executive producer of the film for using political power to achieve the outcome. Hmm.. seems like someones throwing a tantrum for their film Janaan not making it to the Oscar nominees, maybe it’s time we start appreciating our industry rather downgrading and belittling them with false accusations, or maybe minding our own business.