Saudi Man marries four women of different hierarchical levels belonging to one school

In Islam, men are allowed to have ‘nikkah’ with four women at one time. Despite what the Western media claims, there are numerous conditions to be met. All four need to be given equal amounts of love and attention; they all need to be treated fairly with equality. It can be a rather tricky affair making sure none of the wives feel mistreated or ignored.  No favoritism can be shown.

These women tend to have different relations with their husband’s other wives, with some choosing to ignore their existence which others befriend their peers.  This situation can affect your daily life quite significantly, more so if all the wives belong to the same institution.


In the Jazan region of Saudi Arabia, a Saudi man has married four wives belonging to one school; a student, a teacher, a supervisor, and a principal.


The youngest wife is currently studying at the secondary level and shares a husband with her teacher who shares a husband with her supervisor who shares a husband with the principal.

Although it may sound rather awkward, all four of these women are living happily together in peace. Astonishing right?? They claim to have no jealousy or ill-feeling towards one another. One of the wives, the teacher, even shared her strange situation on social media stating that she feels no different about sharing a husband and an institution with three other women. Furthermore, she revealed how she works to make ALL of the marriages work.

What a truly peculiar family…