Shireen Mazari Introduces Domestic Violence Bill in NA

A fine of between Rs 20,000 and Rs 100,000 would also be charged to the offender, which would then be paid to the victim of the domestic violence committed, along with jail time.

The Federal Minister for Human RIghts, Shireen Mazari, has introduced a bill on domestic violence in the National Assembly (NA) called the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2020. The aim of the bill is to “establish an effective system of protection, relief and rehabilitation of women, children, elders and any vulnerable persons against domestic violence”.

As she introduced the bill, Human Rights Minister Shireen Mazari stated that if the offence [the act of domestic violence] committed does not come under the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), the offender shall be punished with minimum 6 month of prison and maximum 3 years. However, if it does fall under PPC, it will be punishable as written in the penal code.

Furthermore, a fine of between Rs 20,000 and Rs 100,000 would also be charged to the offender, which would then be paid to the victim of the domestic violence committed. If the perpetrator is unable to pay the fine, they could be imprisoned for three months.

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The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2020 defines domestic violence as “all acts of physical, emotional, psychological, sexual and economic abuse committed by a respondent against women, children, vulnerable persons, or any other person with whom the respondent is or has been in a domestic relationship that causes fear, physical or psychological harm to the aggrieved person.”

Domestic violence comprises of acts like repeated exhibition of possessiveness or jealousy which lead to invasion of privacy, liberty, integrity and security, threats of divorce or second marriage on baseless accusations or infertility, wilful or negligent abandonment, stalking, harassment, or compelling the wife to cohabit with anybody other than the husband.

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The bill has also made it a crime to insult, ridicule and falsely level allegations against the character of a female or any member of the shared household. Furthermore, depriving these members of economic or financial resources, as well as blocking their way of getting such resources is also included.

The Ministry of Human Rights will be creating a Protection Committee for the purpose of this Act within three months of the Act being passed.


If you wish to read the details of the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill 2020, click here. More power to Shireen Mazari for working on a bill on domestic violence!

Will the Bill pass through the NA and the Senate? Or will there be hindrances? Let us know what you think in the comments!